Autotrivia Quiz


Last week I mentioned that there have been many items over the years that were invented and have left indelible marks on the future of motoring. One was a tricycle. I asked whose tricycle was it and what invention was this? It was the son of John Boyd Dunlop, whose father designed the inner tube for the wheels to give a much smoother ride. He did take out a patent, though he did not know the concept had been tried many years before. Two years after he was granted the patent, Dunlop was officially informed that it was invalid as Scottish inventor Robert William Thomson (1822–1873) had patented the idea in France in 1846 and in the US in 1847. To capitalize on pneumatic tyres for bicycles, Dunlop and Hervey Du Cros resuscitated a Dublin-listed company and renamed it Pneumatic Tyre and Booth’s Cycle Agency. Dunlop retired in 1895.

So to this week. What famous name in motor sport ended up on a bank note? And what was the denomination? Clue remember the Irish punt. (Rhymes with bank manager.)

Be the first correct answer to email [email protected]  or [email protected] . And in addition, if you are a Pattaya resident, the closest correct answer will win a free voucher for Casa Pascal’s Breakfast BBQ. One local resident wrote back to say he had enjoyed the Casa Pascal BBQ brunch and went so far as to say it is the best breakfast in Thailand. Good luck!