Autotrivia quiz


Last week was all about Count Zzborowski and his Chitty Bang Bang, and first in was Tony from the Queensland Gold Coast. Well done, Tony! Unfortunately you are a long way away from Casa Pascal’s breakfast. As an aside, there used to be a great circuit on the Queensland Gold Coast, complete with a nail-biting high speed sweeper under the bridge at the end of the straight. Unfortunately it is now a housing development.

So to this week. Who is the largest manufacturer of electric vehicles in the world? Be the first correct answer to email [email protected]  or [email protected] . And in addition, if you are a Pattaya resident, the closest correct answer will win a free voucher for Casa Pascal’s Breakfast BBQ. One local resident wrote back to say he had enjoyed the Casa Pascal BBQ brunch and went so far as to say it is the best breakfast in Thailand. Good luck!