Autotrivia Quiz


Last week I asked what is the significance between Arnold and Hill Assist? William Arnold & Sons of East Peckham, Kent, was an agricultural engineering company founded in about 1844.

In 1895 they acquired a license to build Benz cars as the Arnold Motor Carriage Co. from 1896 to 1898. The firm built twelve cars patterned after the Benz but fitted with their own engines. Two Arnolds were exhibited at Crystal Palace in 1896.

One Arnold from 1896 was fitted with the world’s first self-starter by electrical engineer H. J. Dowsing. This was a dynamotor coupled to the flywheel, designed to assist the car on hills and well as starting the engine. So there you are.

Now to this week. Which XPAG and XPEG engines had MOWOG con-rods?

For the Automania free beer this week, be the first correct answer to email [email protected] or [email protected]. Good luck!