Cars of 2011


At this time of year there are always articles in the motoring columns and motoring magazines as to the memorable cars of the year.  This is an almost impossible task.  The exercise ends up as a true case of apples and oranges, all fruit but totally different.

I may be well wide of the mark, but I honestly do not believe that the general readership of a column like this one is looking at purchasing vehicles over one million baht.  With so many good cars between 500,000 and one million baht, why spend more?

Citroen DS3. Citroen DS3.

The popularity of the Nissan March at an even lower price for around 400,000 baht (count them on the road) also makes me say that the popular price range is below 800,000 baht.  For that money or less you can have a new Corolla for your garage.

Or a Mazda2 or a Ford Fiesta.  Or a Vios, or a Toyota Yaris, or would you rather spend 1.48 million baht on an imported Citroen DS3 1.6 liters (when you can get two Yaris for less than that)? Even the diesel Chevrolet Cruze is over the magic million, which goes some way to explain why there are not more of these on the road.  Fine cars – but (relatively) expensive.

For me, if I’m pushed into a corner, the car of 2011 was the new Ford Fiesta with the 1.6 liter engine, though the Mazda2 with the 1.5 runs a close second.

Locally built Ford Fiesta.Locally built Ford Fiesta.