Mustang breaks out of the corral


When a new car is about to be released, the manufacturers send pre-release details to motoring magazines with what is called an ‘embargo’.  That means publication must be held until the embargo date is passed.  Most magazines honor this, but occasionally one will not, letting the cat out of the bag early.  Or in this case out of the corral.

Now the embargo has been passed, I am at liberty to say that the new Ford Mustang will be available with four cylinder turbo or V8 power and is due on sale in Australia in late 2015, priced from about $45,000.

New MustangNew Mustang

It is the first right-hand-drive Mustang made on a Ford mass-production line.  Mustangs sold in Australia in the 1960s and early 2000s were converted to right-hand-drive locally.

Already the world’s motoring press are asking if the new, sixth generation Mustang has the same design sizzle as the hugely successful model on sale in the US currently, whose design was inspired by the classic 1968 model.

The new Mustang appears to have carried the 1968 theme, but with a more modern and sleek appearance.  In this week’s issue of Autoweek Magazine USA, which leaked the Mustang images early, the headline asks, “Is It All You Hoped It Would Be?”