Tesla goes to the top of the quality tree?


The new Tesla Model S is bringing the electric sedan within the reach of more of the public with a starting price of about US$70,000.

Not only has the Model S contributed to a profit bottom line for the electric car company, in addition, Tesla Motors Inc.’s all-electric Model S sedan ranks as the influential magazine Consumer Reports’ highest rated vehicle.

This publication rated their US$89,650 Model S a 99 out of 100, the first time since 2007 that CR has rated a car that high.

Apparently CR thought so highly of the Tesla that they said that it was very close to being the best car ever!

The Model S, when equipped with an 85 kilowatt hour battery, could get 320 kays on one electric charge.  The US$ 70,000 base model only has a 60 kilowatt hour battery.  However, even at US$ 70,000, this is still expensive for a vehicle built in the US.