Paul Kenny’s Pizza Company Toyota Vios is looking for a new home. Paul is stepping up to a Honda for the new season and the Vios is now surplus to requirements. I know this car well, having been one of Paul’s co-drivers in this car for the Four Hour at Bira a couple of years back, and again at the Six Hour at Bang Saen. This is a car which knows its own way around the local circuits, you probably don’t even need to steer!
The car is being sold for B. 295,000 in race ready condition, with the top of the line “Link” stand alone ECU system. The car is from 2005, but only did one full season in 2006, then nothing in 2007, and four races in 2008, then it did one race in 2009, and two races in 2010.
Racing Vios at Bang Saen
The car is prepared for any of the following classes:
Super 1500 Production
Pro car 1500 cc
Several of the 3K-NITTO championship classes
RAAT 6 hour endurance races.
Genuine enquiries only to