What to do while driving through Pattaya’s flash floods


According to the Institute of Motorists (IAM) in the UK, in cases of severe flooding, you should reconsider making the journey at all!  If it is unavoidable, and you have to drive through deep water, the IAM recommends drivers take the following precautions:

Drive on the highest section of the road and don’t set off if a vehicle is approaching you.  Leave time and space to avoid swamping other cars and pedestrians.  If you can’t see where you are going to come out of the water, such as when approaching flooding on a bend, think twice about starting to drive into it.

Wet feet? Wet feet?

In deep water never take your foot off the accelerator, as this could allow water to travel up the exhaust pipe.  Once you’re out of the water, dry the brakes before you need them.  The best way is to lightly apply the brake as you drive along for a few seconds, after checking nothing is following you too closely.

(And my tip is to carry an aerosol can of dewatering fluid in case the distributor gets wet.  Plenty of brands in the shops, WD40 is probably the best known.  WD40 was the 40th Water Dispersant formula they had tried.)