Whzzzzzz, Formula E is here


Electric race cars are being promoted by the FIA using fully-electric single-seater race cars capable of speeds in excess of 225 km/h.

A report, released by professional services firm EY, has analyzed the global value of the FIA Formula E Championship, claiming that the new zero emission race series will help contribute to the additional sale of 77 million Electric Vehicles (EV) worldwide over the next 25 years (2015-2040).

Amongst the future predictions were that the additional sale of 77m EVs would lead to €142 million extra worldwide sales for the car industry and the creation of 42,000 permanent jobs.  From an environmental impact, this would lead to the saving of four billion oil barrels – the equivalent of Japan’s current consumption over 2.5 years, together with the prevention of 900 million tonnes of CO2 – comparable to Italy’s current annual emissions over two years.  Meanwhile, the resulting social impacts forecast savings of €25 billion on healthcare costs and productivity from the reduction of pollution in cities and a significant improvement in quality of life.  (However, I find this degree of looking into the future is similar to Gypsy Petulengro and her crystal ball, and probably just as accurate.  I also find it difficult to believe that people will get excited by cars with no exhaust sound and only a whzzzzzzzzzzzz).