99 Satang/minute for Thai mobile phones, starting Jan 1


BANGKOK, Jan 2 – Service fee for Thailand’s mobile phones must be adjusted to be not higher than 99 satang per minute starting January 1, a senior official of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) announced today.

Prawit Leesatapornwongsa, NBTC member in charge of consumer protection and promotion of people’s freedom, said the new fee of not more than 99 satang/minute is in accord with the NBTC’s announcement stipulating a ceiling on mobile phone service fees.

“The announcement, effective as of April 4, 2012, obliged mobile phone operators to charge the Bt0.99/minute fee. They were allowed to collect the regular fee until the expiry of contracts with clients, but at no later than Dec 31, 2012,” he explained.

As of January 1, the rate for mobile phone voice services must be 99 satang/minute at the maximum, including lump sum promotional packages, Mr Prawit said, warning that two major mobile phone operators – Advanced Info Service (AIS) and DTAC – continued to offer promotional packages in breach of the law.

The NBTC will see to it that they strictly abide by the law and consumers should be aware that they should not pay higher than 99 satang/minute for mobile phone voice service.

Consumers are requested to file complaints with the NBTC at telephone number 1200 or 02 634 6000 if they are overcharged by mobile phone operators, he said.