AFG looks at Myanmar


The Automotive Focus Group (AFG) will be holding a networking evening next Friday February 21 at the Nova Platinum Hotel, Second Road, South Pattaya.

With the world looking at business opportunities in Myanmar (particularly with the current political maelstrom in Thailand), the AFG has invited Tractus Asia to address the AFG members.

Dennis Meseroll.

The speakers will include Dennis Meseroll – Executive Director, Tractus Asia who amongst other achievements has included advising clients on the establishment of both wholly-owned companies and joint ventures and identifying the optimal locations for their manufacturing operations.  He has been an advisor to the investment promotion agencies of the governments in ASEAN and Mongolia on developing investment attraction strategies and benchmarking their attractiveness as locations for foreign direct investment and was invited to speak at The World Bank conference for the investment promotion agencies in the CLMV countries on benchmarking investment attractiveness.

The other speaker is Joshua Brown – Consultant and Chief Representative (Myanmar), Tractus Asia (Myanmar).  He is a Consultant and Tractus Asia’s Chief Representative in Myanmar, where he is responsible for overseeing the team operations, including business development and client advisory.  Recent Myanmar projects include regulatory analysis and permit approvals, supply chain cost analysis, industrial site selection for automotive manufacturing companies, industrial mineral geological and market data research and integrity and reputational risk due diligence.

The speakers will cover:

Evaluating the final frontier: Automotive manufacturing in Myanmar;

Understanding change: Understanding the timeline of events and a look ahead to 2015;

Myanmar’s critical location factors for manufacturing;

Evolving land policy, industrial zones and ownership issues.

This will be a very important topic for the first AFG networking for 2014.  Registration will be at 5.30 pm, with the presentation commencing promptly at 6.00 pm.  Following the presentation the networking will continue around the pool and the buffet.  Contact can be made with Frank Holzer, President, email [email protected].

Joshua BrownJoshua Brown.