ASEAN members urged to strengthen trade links


BANGKOK, July 8 — Former ASEAN Secretary- General Surin Pitsuwan has urged ASEAN to strengthen trade connectivity among its bloc members as to better emerge regionally and globally.

Mr Surin, also a former Thai foreign minister, delivered his keynote address at the TU-ASEAN International conference 2014 entitled “ASEAN: Emerging Global and Regional Player?” held in Bangkok July 7-8.

The former ASEAN chief said that  ASEAN should focus on the internal economic connectivity among the member 10 countries, and to initiate the same regulations to be viable and productive for trade competition.

Even Thailand has many transitions in political leadership that changes all the time but the government should continue promoting this strengthening policy to be committed to the further development of ASEAN provision.

As former ASEAN Secretary General, Mr Surin said that if the bloc learns to adapt to every diversity among its member countries and to respect each other, it will be united and have bargaining power to attract foreign investment.

The TU-ASEAN International conference 2014 was organized by Thammasat University on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of its establishment on July 7.