Aussies mean business


Following the success of its first Australian Business Forum (ABF) gathering in Bangkok, AustCham hosted the first ABF luncheon on Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard last week.

The ABF is a new Chamber initiative, supported by the Australian Government’s Asian Century Business Engagement Plan.

The inaugural Eastern Seaboard ABF luncheon was addressed by two top-profile presenters.

The first was David Chuter, Executive General Manager of Futuris Automotive (Thailand).  From a supplier of seats and automotive components exclusively for the Australian car industry, Futuris has burst into international supply chains to become a key provider to some world’s leading car brands.  It is one of the companies that comprises what the Australian Financial Review (AFR) refers to as “the new heart of Australian manufacturing” right here on Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard.  The same article calls Futuris a “manufacturing pioneer” for its vision in expanding rapidly into high-growth Asian markets.

The second speaker was the Australian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Thailand, H.E. James Wise.  James Wise has been Ambassador to Thailand since August 2010.  This is his second posting to Thailand.  From 1995 to 1998 he was Deputy Head of Mission at the Australian Embassy in Bangkok and Permanent Representative to ESCAP.

ABF luncheons follow a standard agenda of:

1. Briefing on business strategy by an Australian-related or Australian-Thai related business;

2. An update by the Australian Embassy; and

3. An opportunity for open discussion/knowledge-sharing.

The ABF is an important forum for anybody interested in the Australian-Thai business relationship, and business in Thailand more broadly.  It facilitates business discussions, networking and knowledge-sharing.

It is hoped that these ABF meetings will act as a conduit to Australia and interest manufacturers down under to look at the business possibilities in Thailand.