Cabinet extends measures to help Thailand’s low income earners


Thailand’s Cabinet recently extended measures to reduce the cost of living for low income earners by offering free non-air conditioned bus and third-class train service to Jan 15 next year, according to government spokesperson Thitima Chaisang.

Extending free bus and train services to Jan 15 is aimed at reducing travel costs for people traveling home to the provinces for the long New Year holiday. The measures expired on June 30.

The spokesman said the measures will cost the government around Bt2.18 billion.

The Ministry of Transport reported in August that 400,000 bus passengers and 50,000 rail passengers per day benefited from the measures.

Initiated during the administration of late former prime minister Samak Sundaravej to assist low-income earners in 2008.

Other measures included free electricity for users of less than 90 units per month and free tap water for users of less than 30 cubic meters per month.