Commerce Minister instructed provincial officials to control goods prices


BANGKOK, 23 October 2014 – The Commerce Minister has instructed all related offices across the country to make sure that goods prices remain affordable for consumers in order to help keep their cost of living in control. 

Commerce Minsiter Gen. Chatchai Sarikalya on Wednesday chaired a meeting to discuss his policies with officials from all provincial commerce offices and provincial internal trade offices, during which he told all participants to work closely with the agricultural extension offices in their respective provinces to control farm product prices at a suitable level.

All related officials have also been ordered to watch over the movement of consumer goods prices in order to make sure that they will not rise so much that consumers will be affected.

Gen. Chatchai added that, from now. all offices will be joining a monthly meeting to share an update on all policy implementations and follow up on all plans.

Concerning the government’s plan to release rice supply in its inventory, the Commerce Minister assured that the sale will be a continuous process and executed in such a way that will not have any effect on the price of new grains.