Commerce Ministry urges vendors not to raise goods prices while imploring residents not to stockpile commodities


BANGKOK, 7 Jan 2014 The Commerce Ministry has urged vendors not to raise goods’ prices while imploring residents not to stockpile commodities. 

Commerce Minister Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisan stated his ministry has closely monitored the commodity prices as the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC)’s planned shutdown of Bangkok approaches. He said Deputy Commerce Minister Yanyong Phuangrach and Department of Internal Trade (DIT) officials have constantly inspected commodity prices in the market, paying visits to shops in different locations.

Mr. Niwatthamrong said that the ministry will not allow price adjustments for the time being and at the same time advises the public against stockpiling goods ahead of the shutdown on January 13th.

Nonetheless, he expressed his optimism that the protesters would not attempt to disrupt inland logistics, obstructing or delaying deliveries of goods during the shutdown.