Commerce Ministry’s Inspector General visits Damrongtham Center in Surin


SURIN, 19 Jan 2015 – A Commerce Ministry Inspector General, Miss Nopporn Linthong, yesterday visited Damrongtham Center in Surin Province to listen to its problems and obstacles in handling complaints from public members.

The Damrongtham Center has been established since July 2014 in line with the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)’s policy to take public complaints in all matters and present them to officials concerned so that they will be addressed in due course.

Miss Nopporn stated that the Surin Damrongtham Center had performed well. It has been operating around the clock, taking complaints and providing various services to the locals. It also serves as an agency collecting suggestions on the 11 aspects of the national reform, thus providing an alternative channel to the public apart from the 1667 hotline.

Miss Nopporn said after the inspection visit that the center had solved more than 1,000 issues ranging from land ownership, to complaints against government officials.