Digital TV auction postponed by Standing Committee on Political Development


BANGKOK, 8 November 2013 Member of the National Broadcasting and Communications Commission (BCC), Thawatchai Jittrapanun, has revealed that the Standing Committee on Political Development, chaired by Suppachai Srilar, wish to postpone the auction of 24 digital channels, which has been set to take place in mid-December; without any clear reasons. 

The BCC reacted by issuing a petition directed at the committee to state its reasons for the postponement, as the BCC was ready to announce the names of the qualified candidates on November 25.

Reports have indicated that the Senate committee will summon all the 5 BCC members to meet over the postponement of the digital TV auction in order to come up with a new auction time frame and how the auction would take place – focusing on the benefit of the people and not the revenue from the auction.