DIT monitoring prices of consumer products


BANGKOK, 23 December 2013 The Department of Internal Trade is closely monitoring prices of consumer goods in the market ahead of and during New Year Festival. 

The Department of Internal Trade (DIT) has ordered its officials to randomly and regularly inspect prices of products and services throughout the nation in order to prevent consumers from being taken advantage by unscrupulous retailers as they tend to raise prices of consumer products during holidays.

The DIT will mainly focus on retailers located where the number of travelers is normally high during the peak season such as tour bus and train depots as well as and airports.

According to the department, all products must bear price tags and the prices must be in line with market mechanism. If no price tag is found on a product, the store owner will face a 10,00-baht fine. And if the prices are found to be higher than those selling in the markets, violators will face maximum penalties of 7-year imprisonment or 140,000 baht fine, or both.