DLT explains the point of the automobile passport between Thailand and Laos


BANGKOK, 25 September 2014  DLT explained that the automobile passport is an agreement between Thailand and Laos, although new driver licenses can allow Thais to drive in all ASEAN countries.

The DLT deputy-general, Atsathai Rattadilok, said the automobile passport cannot be used among other ASEAN countries and can only be used in Laos PDR as the agreement is only between Thailand and Laos PDR. Other ASEAN countries are not involved in this, although the new driver license will allow drivers to use cars in all ASEAN countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos PDR, Myanmar, and Cambodia.

In case of any confusion, or if you have any clue which can lead to uncovering any deceptive practices, reports should be made to the license department at the Provincial Land Transport Office of Bangkok area 5, Tel. 02-271-8426 or Call Center at 1584 for 24/7.