EGAT: Thai power consumption peaks for 7th time on April 26


BANGKOK, 27 April 2012 – Thailand’s power consumption has hit a new high on Thursday, when the scorching summer heat drove people across the country to turn on air-conditioners. 

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) Governor Sutat Patmasiriwat said that the country’s power consumption peaked again for the seventh time this year at 2.30 pm of Thursday to 26,121 megawatts, beating the previous high of 25,682 megawatts seen on Wednesday.

Mr. Sutat blamed this summer’s scorching heat, which measured 38.5 degrees Celsius on average, for the power use surge.

And even though the new record has exceeded EGAT’s initial 2012 peak prediction of 25,734 megawatts, Mr. Sutat has assured that the country’s major power producer will be able to cope with rising demand until the situation eases.

However, he still asked the public to try to conserve power when possible, in order to help the country save energy.