Egyptian protests to slightly affect Thailand’s tourism industry


BANGKOK, 20 August 2013 The Tourism and Sports Minister says the current protests in Egypt may have a slight impact on the tourism industry of Thailand but not the whole picture as Thailand sees at least 84,000 tourists each day. 

According to Tourism and Sports Minister Somsak Pureesrisak, the current political situation in Egypt may have a slight impact on the Thai tourism sector as the number of Egyptian travelers could drop in the future. However, he affirmed that the industry will not be affected as a whole as there are still a number of tourists from other nearby countries who are still interested in coming to Thailand. At present, Thailand sees around 40,000 Egyptian tourists each year.

The minister said that until now, Egyptian protests have not had a major impact on Thailand’s overall tourism industry, adding that there are around 84,000 travelers visiting the country each day even though some embassies issued a warning to their citizens regarding political demonstrations in some areas of Bangkok earlier this month.