ESCAP’s 70th session to discuss development cooperation for Regional Connectivity


BANGKOK, 23 July 2014 – The 70th session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(ESCAP) will be held in Bangkok next month. The 70th Session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific will be held from 4th to 8th August 2014 at the United Nations Conference Center in Bangkok. The meeting’s main agenda is to discuss development strategy to establish a Regional Connectivity and Shared Prosperity.The meeting is divided into two session: from 4th to 6th August for Senior Officials, and from from 7th to 8th August for the Ministerial segment. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) is the regional development arm of the United Nations for the Asia-Pacific region. It was established to encourage social and economic cooperation and to discuss certain substantive issues: Macroeconomic policy, poverty reduction and inclusive development among its member states. On the 7th August 2014 the Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs Sihasak Phuangketkeow will preside at the opening ceremony of the meeting.