Flag carrier THAI not raising airfare


Thailand’s national flag carrier Thai Airways International (THAI) will not raise its ticket prices or fuel surcharge included in the airfare although the Airports Authority of Thailand (AoT) indicates that it will raise its airport use fees, according AoT President Piyasvasti Amaranand.

The national carrier is holding the line on fare costs, he said, because oil prices have dropped. But he cautioned that THAI will adjust its fares if fuel costs rise, the airline president said. Fuel costs are considered the main factor and count for 40 percent of airline operating costs, he said.

Piyasvasti said that the number of passengers using the airline is satisfactory.

The figure increased 9 percent year-on-year during June 1-27, while advance flight bookings have risen. The passenger load per flight is some 80 percent daily. The president said he considered it a good sign for THAI’s revenues.