German chamber to host gala dinner May 30 in Bangkok


The German-Thai Chamber of Commerce will host its annual gala dinner May 30 at the Grand Hyatt Erawan in Bangkok.

Speaking at the chamber’s May meeting at the Moon River Pub, Director Jörg Buck said the “Glamour of Germany” event will feature dinner and music, along with performances of dance and fashion. A raffle will be held offering numerous prizes. Guests are requested to dress in the red, gold and black of the German flag.

At the May “stammitsch” at the Thai Garden Resort bar, President Karl Heinz Heckhausen said many members have been concerned with the strong Thai baht, which has appreciated 6 percent this year, versus gains of less than 1 percent for other Southeast Asian currencies and 15 percent depreciation of the Japanese yen.

(From left) Jan Immel, Rene Pisters, Karl Heinz Heckhausen and Joerg Buck are obviously enjoying the Stammtisch event.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra last week said the cabinet has authorized Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong to press ahead with continuous meetings with representatives from the central bank and the government and private sectors in order to address the baht problem and stabilize the currency.

Heckhausen said he hopes the government finds a “healthy middle ground” on which to stabilize the baht. Too strong, and the baht damages exports. Too weak and it hurts German importers, he said.

“The kingdom already prepared itself well for the arrival of the ASEAN Economic Community and I personally believe Thailand would be a perfect hub for the region,” he said.

On a lighter note, chamber members got news that the Moon River Pub’s house band of nine years would be replaced June 1 with “Cross Colors,” comprised of musicians from Germany, the Philippines, Trinidad and Romania.