Hoteliers given energy-saving tips


With the burners of hot season on high, air conditioning manufacturer Carrier Co. plugged its products for about 50 business owners hoping to save money on energy bills.

Carrier engineer Suthee Wongthai told the audience at the Welcome Jomtien Beach Hotel March 27 that electricity costs are high for business operators, such as factories and hotels, and getting higher every day.

Carrier engineer Suthee Wongthai plugs his company’s products as a way to cut down on electricity costs at hotels and big businesses.Carrier engineer Suthee Wongthai plugs his company’s products as a way to cut down on electricity costs at hotels and big businesses.

A hotel with 150-300 rooms spends about 3-5 million baht a month on electricity while larger hotels can spend up to 100 million per year, he said. Energy-efficient appliances will use less power and Suthee was happy to show the audience Carrier’s lineup of such products.

Carrier manufacturers air and water coolers and is hosting sales seminars around the country during the hot season.