Labor Ministry aims to boost Thai labor skills within 1-2 years


BANGKOK, 2 May 2013 The Labor Ministry is determined to significantly boost the skills of Thai workers before the realization of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015. 

Labor Minister Phadermchai Sasomsub said that the ministry plans to continue to provide better protection for Thai laborers, both in the country and overseas, in 2013.

Mr. Phadermchai stated the Labor Ministry also aims to quickly develop the skills of workers during the next few years before the AEC is officially launched. The plan was also conceived to help workers negotiate for a daily minimum wage that is higher than the current 300-baht level.

The Labor Minister added that officials are in the middle of the process to collect data from both business operators and workers in order to identify the best approaches to further develop labor skills.

When asked about the ministry’s responses to the various demands from workers, Mr. Phaderchai noted that there have been a number of progresses in helping Thai labor enjoy a better life, including the 15-day paternity leave for fathers and the government’s ratification of two of the International Labor Organization (ILO)’s conventions, regarding the protection of the freedom and the right to organize convention and to bargain.

He went on to say that workers are encouraged to report to the ministry if they are not fairly treated by their employers, particularly in case that their wage is still below the 300-baht rate.