Labor Ministry urge workers not to fall for minimum wage rise policy during campaign


BANGKOK, 13 June 2011 -Deputy Permanent Secretary for Labor Sunan Phothong said the minimum wage rise policy proposed by many political parties would not affect the minimum wage committee’s own decision to raise the wage, adding that it would only be adjusted based on the information given by 3 major economic organizations. 

In his capacity as a sub committee chairman, Mr. Sunan said the 3 institutions consist of the Ministry of Commerce, The Bank of Thailand and the Office of the National Economics and Social Development Board. According to him, they virtually contribute to the decision making process whether to increase the wage or not.

Mr. Sunan said most political parties are focusing on their minimum wage policy to attract voters because they are more workers population than people from the middle class families.

He urged workers to keep in mind before voting that the minimum wage would be increased within the appropriate timeframe so as not to create financial impact on the economy. The next meeting to consider the wage rise will be held on 1 July 2011. The committee will review the number again on 6 July 2011.