Listed companies enjoy record high sales, profits in first quarter


BANGKOK, May 24 – Listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) enjoyed record high total sales and profits in the first quarter of this year registering Bt 2.12 billion and Bt205.29 billion respectively, up 18.22 per cent and 29.74 per cent from the same period last year, according to SET president Charamporn  Jotikasthira.

He said 460 companies or 90.96 per cent of 506 firms in total had already submitted their performance results by the end of March.

“In the 1st quarter of 2011, total sales and profits earned by the listed companies surged to the highest since the establishment of SET.  It reflected the stable economic fundamentals, listed companies’ capability to generate profits amid higher operating costs, and a readiness to expand in the future. Blue-chip stocks in the SET 50, particularly in the energy and public utilities sectors, have grown significantly since the 2nd quarter of 2010,” said Mr. Charamporn.

Listed companies in SET 100 enjoyed net profits of Bt182.73 billion, up 35.27 per cent from the same quarter last year, representing 89.01 per cent of total profits earned by listed firms.

The top five companies with the highest net profits are PTT, Siam Commercial Bank, Indorama Venture, PTT Exploration and Production, and Siam Cement.

Top five industries with the highest net profits are the resources, financial business, raw materials for industrial products, property and construction, and technology sectors. (MCOT online news)