NGV bus importer to remove 1 bus from customs for 3.7 million baht


The subsidiary of Bestlin Group handling the acquisition of NGV buses for the government has handed in documentation to seek the release of one of the buses from Laem Chabang Port, indicating it is ready to place 3.7 million baht as collateral for the vehicle.

Deputy Director-General of the Customs Department Chaiyuth Kamkhun made it known that a representative of Super Sara Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Bestlin Group, has filed to remove 1 of the NGV buses the company sought to import into Thailand from holding in Laem Chabang and that it is ready to place 3.7 million baht as collateral. The figure was derived from 40 percent of the bus’s value, insurance fees and other duties. The same rate has been set for the other buses still in holding.


A total 291 NGV buses acquired by Super Sara are now in Thailand with the total number ordered at 389. After the New Year holiday if the company seeks to have all of the buses released from customs, it may have to pay up to 422 million baht. If the company does not take any action within a set timeframe, however, the buses will be seized by the state. (NNT)