Northeastern rice exchanged for southern fish in unique Thai food exchange program

A Royal Thai Air Force plane delivered nine tons of rice from farmers in Yasothon to fishermen in Phuket.
A Royal Thai Air Force plane delivered nine tons of rice from farmers in Yasothon to fishermen in Phuket.

PHUKET – Thai rice farmers and fishermen switch their local products in a donation exchange program in order to help local communities make ends meet during the COVID-19 crisis.

A Royal Thai Air Force plane delivered nine tons of rice from a farmers’ group in the northeastern province of Yasothon to fishermen in Phuket on Monday.

The fishermen of the southern province loaded one tons of dried fish on the airplane to be delivered to the Yasothon farmers.

The program founder and coordinator, Chumchon Thai Foundation, said that the people-to-people program highlighted the interdependence of communities in time of crisis. (TNA)