Criticized for spending 3.5 million baht on the Pattaya Countdown New Year’s concert, Pattaya officials came forward to break down the expenses.
City officials pointed out that the funds spent on the big tourism-promotion event was far less than in previous years, when the Pattaya Countdown ran for as much as a week. This year’s event was the smallest-ever at just one night.
Tourism Promotion Department head Ornwara Korapin said all city events are now put out for bid and the lowest-priced organizers was selected. However, she noted, only one promoter bid on this year’s concert.
She said 10 percent – 350,000 baht – of the total budget went to the promoter. The lights, sound system and other tech cost 1.03 million baht. Signage and decorations cost 380,000 baht while the large LED screen rental cost 280,000 baht.
The four minutes of fireworks at midnight cost Pattaya 398,500 baht while the three bands that showed up were paid 180,000 baht total.
The stage set up and related expenses cost 390,000 baht while 300,000 baht was spent on security.
She said contractors have not been paid yet and headliner Sek Loso, who was arrested in Bangkok and did not show for the concert, will not be paid. Any money left over will be returned to the city, Ornwara said.