Private sector expects quick decision from new government


BANGKOK, Sept 1 — The Thai private sector hopes the new cabinet will speed up government investment decisions and create security as a basis for economic growth.

Nopporn Thepsithar, chairman of the Thai National Shippers’ Council, said economic ministers who were military officers could speed up work and he believed that they had clear strategies and goals.

He expects to see the outcomes of their work in one to two years.

The new cabinet should integrate work in the government and the private sector so that Thailand could return as the leader of ASEAN.

Mr Nopporn urged the government to ensure national security and peace to could help boost the national economy.

As the Thai economy has not recovered well, Mr Nopporn suggested the government speed up its spending and infrastructure investment in the real sector and areas concerning the grass roots and promote technology, innovation and public education so that Thailand will be competitive in the ASEAN Community.

Nathee Jearapan, chairman of the Buri Ram Chamber of Commerce, said that he believed that the new cabinet could ensure national progress and economic growth and all parties should let it work.

Construction of double-track railways would facilitate transport and cut transport costs, he urged.

He also recommended an inter-city motorway to stretch from Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima province.

Meanwhile, Wichien Puanglamjiek, president of the Thai Farmers Association, asked the government to support paddy prices as the rice-pledging scheme of the past government ended and buyers lowered paddy prices.

He urged quick action as he said farmers would produce ample second-crop rice yields within this month.