PTT and Bangchak cut retail prices of benzene and gasohol


BANGKOK, 14 June 2012 – PTT and Bangchak have adjusted down benzene and gasohol prices by 30 satang, and E20 and E85 by 85 satang, while the diesel price is unchanged. 

Both domestic oil retailers and refineries have announced that their retail prices of benzene and gasohol are now 30 satang per liter lower while those of E20 and E85 are 80 satang lower, effective since midnight. Diesel price stays steady. As a result, benzene 91 is currently sold at 40 baht and 45 satang per liter, gasohol 95 at 36 baht and 53 satang, gasohol 91 at 34 baht and 78 satang, and E20 at 32 baht and 88 satang. Price of diesel stays at 29 baht and 53 satang per liter.

The oil price adjustment follows a drop in the global oil price and an increase in the contribution to the State Oil Fund demanded by the Energy Planning and Policy Committee (EPPC). The EPPC has resolved to raise the contribution of benzene and gasohol sales by 50 satang per liter while that of E20 and E85 stays at the same rate. The move results in an increase in the daily inflow of 153 million baht into the Oil Fund, instead of 143 million baht previously.