Pattaya City Consumer Protection Department warned shoppers to thoroughly clean winter jackets they buy second hand in Pattaya to avoid skin diseases.
Department chief Buppa Songsakulchai said Nov. 8 that many coats and jackets sold off to second-hand merchants are unhygienic and could lead to rashes and infections if not sterilized after purchase.
Among the ailments shoppers could also get for the price of a cheap coat are dermatitis, tinea, pityriasis versicolor, prurigo, and other allergies.
Pityriasis versicolor causes a red skin rash that forms a ring around normal-looking skin, and then may itch along the body.
People with tinea cruris resulting from using second-hand jackets should not scratch or pick on the rash or ignore it until it spreads. Immediately see a dermatologist for treatment.
The easy way to clean used coats to leave it in the sun for a week then boil it in water for 15-30 minutes prior to soaking in a color-bleach solution. Then wash before ironing at high temperature, particularly the inner side.
Moreover, inappropriate cleaning may lead to skin irritation directly leading allergic reactions.
Used coats often are purchased by the poor because they come cheap, as low as 60 baht. But Buppa advises people to look closely at their intended purchase and choose only good quality apparel.