Siam@Siam Design Hotel Pattaya wins Asia Top Design Hotel at Now Asia Travel Awards


With all the elite hoteliers from hotels and hotel groups throughout Asia attending the prestige ceremony in Macau from 9-11 November 2017, Siam@Siam Design Hotel Pattaya is proud to be announced as winner of the Asia Top Design Hotel award. General Manager Dmitry Chernyshev represented the Siam@Siam Group to receive the Awards.

The award was a success for all the management team as well as the CEO: Suree Chanchareonsin, Group Director of Sales and Marketing, Pranai Phornpapra, Deputy Managing Director, Phornpinit Phornpapra, CEO, President, Dmitry Chernyshev, General Manager, Pratanporn Phorn­papra, Managing Director, and Vichai Phipadkusolkul, Financial Advisor and Group FC.