Special Report: TAT to launch new campaign to boost tourism industry


Thailand’s new global tourism campaign, “Amazing Thailand: Happiness Within,” will be launched for visitors to experience the “Thai way of happiness.”

The campaign is part of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT)’s marketing plan for the 2015 fiscal year, with special international events organized starting in October 2014.

According to TAT Governor Thawatchai Arunyik, the new marketing plan is targeting to generate an estimated 1.4 trillion baht in revenues from foreign tourists and 800 billion baht from domestic tourists. The core concepts will be to restore visitors’ confidence in Thailand by promoting Thai culture, happiness, and sustainability, as well as balanced and sustainable growth.

When tourists are happy, they usually forward messages to friends on their social networks, the Governor pointed out. The TAT will thus focus on promoting the concept of “forwarding messages” in the online world. When visitors forward their messages, this will raise the awareness about Thailand and attract more future visitors.

Among the special international events to be organized is a “Thailand Music Festival” under the theme “Land of Fun.” In December 2014, a number of events will be held to mark the birthday anniversary of His Majesty the King and the New Year festival, which will take the form of “Thailand Happiness Carnival.” This will be in addition to the traditional fun and happiness celebrations that mark Songkran, the traditional Thai New Year in April.

The TAT Governor noted that Thailand will also take advantage of the opportunities opened up by the enhanced facilitation and transportation connectivity when ASEAN Community is in place in late 2015. This will allow the development of special cross-border tour packages and caravans to Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and China.

He said that, in 2013, Thailand’s tourism revenue ranked sixth in the world and third in Asia by the World Tourism Organization. The TAT is striving to make this ranking higher in 2015. It will follow the guidelines set in the 11th National Economic and Social Development Plan (2012-2016) and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports’ National Tourism Development Plan, as well as the policy of the National Council for Peace and Order.

On the international front, emphasis will continue to be placed on special-interest markets, such as golf, honeymoons and weddings, health and wellness, and eco-tourism. Both first-time and repeat visitors will be targeted.

The domestic tourism plan will target the family market, working people, the elderly, and youths. Ten major cities are to be categorized as “Must Visit Cities” in 2015. They include Lampang, Phetchabun, Buri Ram, Loei, Samut Songkhram, Ratchaburi, Chanthaburi, Trat, Chumphon, and Trang. These provinces have been chosen because each one has a special story that people should know about.