Thai private sector invites all parties for country’s reform


BANGKOK, Dec 9 – Thailand’s private sector invited all parties for the country’s reform following the ongoing political tutmoil.

Chairman of the Thai Chamber of Commerce Issara Wongkusolkit said after a meeting by seven private organisations that Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatre’s announcement of the House dissolution today was in accord with democratic principles. He praised both the government and the anti-government protesters for trying to find the end to the political crisis without violence.

Mr Issara said he viewed that the national interest must prevail and was still concerned that the dissolution of the lower House would not make the country’s situation properly return to normal. Therefore, the private sector wished to be a mediator in finding a reform according to a democratic process by initially inviting politicians from each party to voice their opinions for further solutions.

Meanwhile, Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations (FETCO) chairman Paiboon Nalinthrangkurn said despite the House dissolution, economic signals have not yet improved, as seend by declining prices of stocks in the market due to the rift in the society. He added that rules should be amended for all parties to accept before the next general election set initially on Feb 2.

The seven organisations comprise the Thai Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Thai Industries, Tourism Council Of Thailand, the Thai Bankers’ Association, the Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizations, the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Thai Listed Companies Association.