Thailand strives to become a world leader in Green Building


Thailand is working toward becoming one of the top ten countries encouraging construction of green buildings to conserve energy and the environment.

Ninnart Chaithirapinyo, chairperson of the Thai Green Building Institute (TGBI), said Thursday that the institute was prepared to evaluate environmentally-friendly buildings designed and constructed in accordance with the Green Building policy.

The evaluation was aimed to assure its internationally-accepted standards in evaluation as that of the US Green Building Council (USGBC) in the United States with more than 200 qualified engineers and architects.

TGBI said 26 green building construction projects in Thailand registered to be assessed in the past two years.

It is believed the amount of energy saved from green building construction will encourage more ecological building projects in the future despite the high cost of construction.

Meanwhile, the organization held the “2014 Thai Green Building Expo and Conference” Thursday at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC) to increase knowledge and promote sustainable design and construction of  green buildings in the country.