Introducing Tan


New Hope for Strays Shelter

Tan is about 6 months old. She was hit by a car, which is not that uncommon for street dogs. Her right hind leg was badly broken in two places. At first it appeared that at least part of her leg would have to be amputated but Dr. Chai at Pet Buddy Clinic pieced the leg together using metal pins.

It has now been several weeks since the accident and surgery and Tan is recovering nicely. She is walking, usually on three legs, but she is starting to put some weight on the injured leg. We are very hopeful that she can make a full recovery and will be running around very soon.

Tan is a small dog, for a street dog, and is very friendly. We would love to see her complete her recovery and live the rest of her life with a family who can give all the love and attention she deserves.

If you are interested is giving Tan a home or would like to see the other dogs we have for adoption, please contact us at or at 0891588345.