Chiang Mai I Meet You campaign offers huge discounts to boost domestic tourism

Klissada Ratanapruk, TAT Executive Director for ASEAN, South Asia and South Pacific Region.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand is preparing to offer big discounts on hotels, restaurants and attractions in Chiang Mai to boost domestic tourism.

Pakanan Winitchai, director of TAT’s Chiang Mai office, told a group of local tourism industry executives July 3 that the “Chiang Mai I Meet You” promotional site will launch July 12 after which area businesses will be able to register to join the campaign.

Klissada Ratanapruk, Executive Director ASEAN, South Asia and South Pacific Region, TAT greets Chiang Mai Tourism Industry representatives.

TAT will subsidize the cost of vouchers to offer large discounts on rooms, meals and tourist attractions so that hospitality business don’t lose money by discounting.

Klissada Ratanapruk, executive director for TAT ASEAN, South Asia and South Pacific, told the industry luncheon at the Lum Dee Tee Kua Dang restaurant that domestic tourists are most important right now as foreigners likely won’t be allowed back into Thailand until at least next month and only then in very small numbers.

Tourism entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai take part in the event.

He said most of the 1,000 visitors per country allowed into the country each day will come from North and Southeast Asia. He said he hopes if the limited “travel bubbles” work and do not spark a second wave of the coronavirus that the program might expand by the end of the year. (Chiang Mai Mail)