Chiang Mai tourists enjoy cool weather on the mountain top, temp 17-22 °C in North

Mae Kam Pong village, Mae On district Chiang Mai.

Weather Forecast for Chiang Mai and Northern Part

Cool with windy and 1-3 °C drops. Isolated light rain mostly in Mae Hong Son, Chiang Mai, Lamphun and Tak. Minimum temperature 17-22 °C. Maximum temperature 30-32 °C. Cold on the mountain top: Minimum temperature 9-14 °C. Northeasterly winds 10-30 km/hr.

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Morning cool on 9 Nov. Isolated rain. Minimum temperature 19-23°C. Maximum temperature 31-34°C. Cold on the mountain top: Minimum temperature 9-14 °C. Northeasterly wind 10-25 km/hr. During 10 – 14 Nov, cool and strong wind, 1-3°C drop in temperature. Minimum temperature 16-22°C. Maximum temperature 30-33°C. Cold on the mountain top: Minimum temperature 8-13 °C. Northeasterly wind 10-30 km/hr.

Mae Kam Pong village, Mae On district Chiang Mai.


Mae Kam Pong village, Mae On district Chiang Mai.


Lung Dech Tea Farm, Mae Taeng district, Chiang Mai.
Lung Dech Tea Farm, Mae Taeng district, Chiang Mai.

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