Burmese expats protested the military coup in their homeland at the Myanmar consulate in Chiang Mai.
The immigrants, mostly from Kachin Province, presented four demands to consular officials Feb. 13, demanding that power be returned to the people after, claiming massive fraud, the military overthrew Myanmar’s fledgling democratic government Feb. 1.

About 30 Chang Pluk police watched over the protest that drew about 200 Kachins who waved signs supporting the fallen government, stomped on photos of coup leader Gen. Min Ong Lai, and shouted “Free Burma”.
Authorities allowed the demonstration to continue, despite the emergency decree provisions against mass gatherings, but insisted all the protestors wore face masks and maintained at least some social distance.

Protest leaders read the declaration in Thai, English and Burmese, rallying Kachins to join them in condemning the coup.
Their demands were that the army return power to the people, withdraw all forces from Kachin State and other ethnic-minority areas, void the military-drafted constitution and allow for a new one to be written, and that a new government negotiate with ethnic groups to immediately ensure rights and liberties.