Contra Filetto di Manzo sul Letto


This recipe came from Chef Luigi Fadda a few years ago.  It is an easy recipe to cook, with only a few ingredients. However, like most Italian dishes, there is a heavy touch of garlic to give it that “continental” flavour.

Probably one of the most important items to attend to is careful selection of the meat. Do not skimp here. Buy the best quality you can, it will pay dividends and you will garner many compliments with this filling main course.

Ingredients Serves 2
Beef, tenderloin or rib eye 240 gm
Cooked Ham 40 gm
Garlic (sliced) 4 pieces
Olive oil 2 tbspns
Mushrooms (diced) 2 tspns
Gravy 2 tspns
Salt and Pepper to taste Flour for dusting


Cooking Method

Cut the beef into four 60 gm pieces and gently flatten them with a mallet or roller.  Season with salt and pepper, place the ham and garlic on top and roll up.

Dust with flour and sauté in hot olive oil.  The time taken for this step will determine whether you like meat “rare” or “medium”.  Do not overcook this dish.

Remove from pan and cut in half and place on serving plate with steamed rice.

Top the dish with the mushrooms and gravy.