Indonesian Pineapple salad


This is a very interesting recipe originating in Indonesia where it is known as ‘lalab menas muda’.  The sweetness of the lemon is offset by the sharpness of the chili paste and the chives.  This is very suitable as a different appetizer, and goes particularly well with a late afternoon sundowners beer.

Cooking method

Remove the outside of the pineapple and remove the core.  Cut into bite-sized cubes.  Sprinkle with salt and leave to drain in a colander for 15-20 minutes.

Make the dressing by mixing the brown sugar, lemon juice, soy sauce and chili paste.

Cut the bell pepper into long slices.

Place the lettuce leaves on the serving dish and place the pineapple cubes on them and pour the dressing over them.  Finish with a garnish of chopped chives.