Nam Sod (Spicy Thai Pork Salad)


This week’s recipe is a traditional Thai salad.  It is a spicy salad, but you can decrease the amount of chillies if desired.  Great with cold beer!

Ingredients Serves 6
Ground pork very lean 2 cups
Salt 1 tspn
Ginger finely chopped 1 tspn
Lime juice 6 tbspns
Roasted peanuts ½ cup
Chopped red onions ½ cup
Red chillies coarsely chopped 1 tbspn
Lettuce and cabbage leaves, washed and dried

Cooking Method

Combine ground pork, salt and lime juice.  Place in a piece of clean and moderately dampened muslin or cheesecloth.  Squeeze many times to extract as much liquid from the pork as possible.  Reserve this pork liquid in a saucepan and simmer over low heat until only about three tablespoons remain.  Add the ground pork and cook just until it is no longer pink.

Remove from the heat and sprinkle peanuts, ginger, onions and chillies.  Toss together lightly and set aside.  Arrange lettuce and cabbage leaves in a serving dish and spoon the pork salad into the center.  Serve immediately as an appetizer with the lettuce and cabbage leaves.