Veal Cordon Bleu


Veal “cordon bleu” is a simple, yet satisfying dish for both the cook and the diners.  “Cordon bleu” is from L’Ordre des Chevaliers du Saint Esprit, a 1578 AD elite group of French knights.  Apparently the group became known for their extravagant and luxurious banquets, known as “cordon bleu” (blue ribbon).

Ingredients Serves 4
Veal fillets 4
Ham slices 4
Swiss cheese 50 gm
Egg 1
Milk 100 ml
Bread crumbs 2 cups
Cream of chicken soup 100 ml
All-purpose whipping cream 500 ml
Mix together and stir constantly over stove on low heat.  When sauce is hot, pour into dish to be served over the chicken cordon bleu.

Cooking Method

Flatten veal fillets with a tenderizing hammer.  Wrap a slice of ham around a piece of cheese about 5 cm long and 0.5 cm wide and then wrap the veal fillet around the ham and cheese.

Dip the fillets in flour, then in the egg wash (egg beaten in 100 ml milk) and then in finely crushed bread crumbs.  Brown in hot oil about 4 minutes a side.

Finish the veal cordon bleu in the microwave on medium for around one minute to ensure the cheese has melted.