Xmas Chocolates


Are there any children out there who don’t like chocolate?  How many adult chocaholics are there out there?  Lots!  This week’s recipe is for you.  All kids love it – guaranteed.  And the adults too.  There are very few tricks with this recipe, other than using a low heat to melt the chocolate.  It is a case of doing it slowly and carefully.  It is possible to burn chocolate if you have the temperature too high.  Many cooks will use two pans for this purpose, with the inner pan sitting in the hot water being heated by the outer pan, but just a little care will get you through.

Ingredients Makes 4
Plain (cooking) chocolate 100 gm
Egg yolks 4
Egg whites 4
Water 1 tbspn
Cream 300 ml
Vanilla Essence ½ tspn

Cooking Method

Melt the dark cooking chocolate slowly with the water, over a low heat.  Now remove from the heat and gradually add the egg yolks.  In another pan whisk the egg whites with the vanilla and then add the cream.  Now fold this mixture into the chocolate, then chill and serve in individual dishes.  Garnish with glace cherries or “hundreds and thousands”.