300 more Thais to come home from South Korea, to be quartered for 14 days quarantine

All Thais traveling on both flights departing from Korean and will be arriving in Thailand on April 14th an 15th will be transferred for 14 days quarantine before letting back home.
All Thais traveling on both flights departing from Korean and will be arriving in Thailand on April 14th an 15th will be transferred for 14 days quarantine before letting back home.

BANGKOK-According to the Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration or CCSA, 300 more Thai citizens will return from South Korea on 14th and 15th April.

On April 14, 135 immigration detainees, overseen by South Korean officials, will depart on flight 7C2202 from South Korea, at 5 p.m. Thailand local time. The flight will arrive at Suvarnabhumi Airport at 9 p.m.Later the same day, the South Korean officials will return. South Korea has asked Thailand to accommodate its officials during the waiting time.

Another 165 passengers certified by the Royal Thai Embassy in Seoul, who were delayed due to Thailand’s international flight cancelation policy, will follow on 15th April. Their flight KE651 from South Korea will arrive at Suvarnabhumi Airport at 10 p.m. The Thai passengers on both flights from South Korea will be transferred for 14 days quarantine.