CCSA insists Thai Chana app does not violate personal data

Thai Chana platform is intended to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and it does not access people’s private information.
Thai Chana platform is intended to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and it does not access people’s private information.

The government’s Center for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) insists that the Thai Chana platform does not access users’ personal data.

The CCSA Spokesman, Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin, said the government has not permitted beauty salons to provide hair care services for longer than two hours. They are only allowed to wash, dry and cut a customer’s hair. Entrepreneurs failing to comply will first receive a warning from the government. If they continue to disregard public health guidelines, they will be instructed to close their businesses until they can fully comply with the requirements.

Dr. Taweesin said the Thai Chana platform is intended to help limit the spread of COVID-19. The system does not access people’s private information. The registered data will only be used to help contain the disease. Furthermore, the information will remain in the database for 60 days before being deleted. If no infection is reported, members of the public do not have to be concerned because the government will protect their personal information and will not use it for any other purpose.

With several restrictions having been eased, all businesses and activities categorized in the white and green groups of the Thai Chana platform are now eligible to submit an application.

Entertainment businesses as well as pubs and bars are in the red group with the highest risk of transmission. They will have to wait for the government’s reassessment of the situation. If the number of new cases in the country continues to drop, it is possible that their businesses will be permitted to reopen, but they must conform to the new normal for public safety. (NNT)